All Vegetables Name In English-Hindi Vegetable Name (sbjiyo ke naam)

 All Vegetables Name In English-Hindi Vegetable Name (sbjiyo ke naam)

 All Vegetables Name In English-Hindi Vegetable Name (sbjiyo ke naam). Friends, we are aware that everybody eats vegetables. There's not anyone who didn't. Vegetables are the main ingredient of most meals, and they're also very beneficial to our health.

There are a variety of vegetables name that are grown and consumed around the globe. We are familiar with the names of the majorityof these vegetables, but we aren't familiar with the titles of the others. This is because some vegetables are only available in specific areas or regions, while others can be everywhere in the world.

Children who are still young and taking part in the first or second courses have been expected to learn about the different names for vegetables from the beginning. This is to help them understand the basics of all vegetables name in english-Hindi and vegetable names, as well as the vocabulary.

But, we'll tell our readers today The name of all vegetables to be used in English Hindi with the picture. This post is very useful for students, but especially for everyone and particularly those in the KG 1, 2, 3 4 5, 6 classes. Let's get started! our primary theme of vegetables name.

All Vegetables Name In English

Similar to other things. There are a variety of vegetables. Five main kinds of vegetable. Let's learn more about these five types and how they are created using examples so you can recognize the kind of vegetable.

1. The leafy veggies or the green vegetables

According to the name, these are vegetables and green leafy plants. This kind of vegetable is rich in antioxidants that are extremely beneficial to our well-being. Spinach, Saag as well as Cabbage are only a few types of the vegetables. These are only three examples of what vegetables are. Eating daily leafy vegetables will help your body fight off various illnesses, which means it is possible to treat at the speed of light.

2. Flower vegetables

These are vegetables in which contain a large fiber content and less calories. Cauliflower and Broccoli are examples. This category includes vegetables. This category includes many of the fruits and vegetables on the list.

4. Root vegetables

These vegetables have a lot of fiber and less calories. For example : turnip, radish, potato etc. . This group includes many of the plants in the collection.

5. Water vegetables

This category encompasses all vegetables name which are grown in water. For Example tomato, cucumber, watermelon, orange etc. . They are full of nutrients that are good for our health.


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